2024 Required Fundraiser
It is time for our annual required Fall Fundraiser, as outlined in the enrollment packet. The fundraiser will include the sale of Butter Braids, Poinsettias, and Holiday Plants! NEW THIS YEAR!!! Donations can now be made directly to a musician’s account via the on-line Butter Bread store (No purchase necessary)!
Families with one or more musicians are required to raise $200. This obligation is per family, not per musician! Musicians receive 40% of profits from Holiday Plant and Butter Braid sales. This means that you will need to sell $500 in product to meet the $200 obligation. If you do not meet the $200 requirement, you will be billed for the remainder. All sales made past the requirement will go directly toward your child’s travel account. Families who chose to opt out of the fundraiser are still required to pay the $200 via exact cash, check, or credit card at the CSYSA office.
Sales Window:
Now - October 25, 2024 for plant and Butter Braids paper forms
Now - November 15, 2024 at midnight for sales through the Online Butter Braid Store
Delivery Date:
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 from 4:00pm to 8:30pm
All Butter Braid orders must be picked up on Tuesday, December 3 from 4:00pm to 8:30pm. These items are perishable and must remain frozen. CSYSA does not have the capacity to store the products overnight.
If you are unable to pick up your items on this date, please coordinate with a friend or family member to pick up the items for you.
Plant Orders
must come from the paper order forms. For a pdf of the order form, click here.
Checks must be made to CSYSA.
Credit cards are not accepted using the paper forms.
All forms and collected monies are to be returned to the CSYSA Building (3113 Primrose Drive, 80907) on or before October 25, 2024 during the hours of:
Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 7:00pm; CSYSA is closed Saturday - Sunday.
Butter Braids and Online Donations
require the seller to set up an online store by clicking here.
Once the seller's online store is set up, they may share the link they are provided through their email directly to their buyers.
The store now offers an online donation option! Out of town people may now support the musician too by donating directly to the musician (minus a processing fee of $1.00).

Contact Fall Fundraiser Coordinator, Kelly Kitch, with any questions and to inquire about volunteer opportunities: 719-210-8424 (text/talk) or email kellykitch@msn.com.