Mozart Strings Project
Music for Everyone
Would you like to learn how to play violin, viola, cello or string bass?
The Mozart Strings Project offers after-school beginning string instruction to elementary school students. The project started in 1994 in response to an increasing number of requests for orchestral training. Mozart Strings is a program offered by the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony and is open to all students, regardless of school district.
Students enrolled in the project attend two one-hour rehearsals each week and perform at least three concerts each year. Elementary Mozart students come together to perform en masse at concerts.
MSP has been designed to maximize the potential for success for each participant. The objective is to teach carefully, accurately and frequently, thereby insuring the mastery of performance skills that will lead to a lifetime of enjoyment and appreciation. We can't wait to share the benefits with your child.

Mozart Strings Project - Things to Know:
We focus on posture and tone production, teaching note reading separately until students have the ability to play simple songs with good tone.
Full Year Program: Students come to class for one hour, twice a week from mid-September to mid-May.
Classes Available for Beginners with no experience and for 2nd Year Students. Grades accepted are 2nd/3rd through 5th/6th, depending on site. Students with more experience may fit better in one of the CSYSA auditioned orchestras. Please contact Renée Botton if you aren't sure which program is right for your student.
Class sizes are from 8 to 20 students depending on room size and assistants available.
Sites come together for 3 concerts throughout the year. There are some site based recitals/activities as well.
We are part of the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony Association! After graduating from our Mozart program, students are automatically eligible for the first of 6 CSYSA auditioned orchestras. NOTE: The the top CSYSA auditioned orchestra tours internationally, and many CSYSA program graduates go on to receive music scholarships in college!
2024 - 2025 Anticipated Cost
2024-25 Tuition: $589 (around $10/hour) for the entire school year, includes t-shirt!* JOIN THE PREFERRED LIST FOR START DATES AND ADDITIONAL TUITION DETAILS.
PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE!: Payment plan, partial financial aid and 2nd child 10% discount are available. **
* Note: Instrument rental is separate and not included in tuition. We have a partnership with Graner Music where they come to our Parent Information and Enrollment meetings so students can try the instruments, be measured for the proper size, purchase accessories and rent.
** A REQUIRED FUNDRAISER helps keep tuition low for all MSP students; Optional fundraisers available can earn money to apply toward Mozart tuition!
GET ON THE PREFERRED LIST to receive more information about the program, get access to Online Registration as soon as it opens, and get notification of Enrollment Meeting dates and times:
Come meet the teachers and hear information about our program. Bring your student so they can hear a demonstration of all the instruments, try them and be measured for size. Graner Music will be there so you can sign up to rent an instrument and purchase accessories.
NOTE: Some classes may fill up before enrollment meetings. If possible, CLICK the button above to get on the Preferred List and then ENROLL once you receive an email with the registration link!
NOTE: If you can’t come to your site’s meeting, you can attend an enrollment meeting at any of our other sites!
6:00 pm, Wednesday, 9/4/2024
Vanguard Site: Calvary Baptist Church: 1712 S Corona Ave, 80905
6:00 pm, Thursday, 9/5/2024
TCA Site: TCA Central Cafeteria/Gym: 1655 Springcrest Rd, 80920
NOTE: Park in main parking lot (On East side of school). Walk along the fenced service road on the South Side of the School (next to the Golf course). Go past the playground and Turn Right to walk along the side of the Cafeteria/Gym until you reach the double glass doors on your left.
6:00 pm, Thursday, 9/12/2024
Banning Lewis Site: Graner Music Store: 4460 Barnes Rd, 80917
6:00 pm, Friday, 9/13/2024
RMCA Site: Graner Music Store: 4460 Barnes Rd, 80917
NOTE: Please contact the site teacher if you have any site specific questions. If you don’t know which site you’d like or have other questions, please contact Mozart Strings Project Director: Renée Botton, 719-660-1310, rbotton@csysa.com
The Classical Academy (TCA)
Location: Church at Briargate, 9550 Otero Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Contact: Renée Botton, 719-660-1310, rbotton@csysa.com
Class Days: Tues./Thurs. after school
Beginning Violin/Viola: 4:00pm - 5:00pm OR 5:10pm - 6:10pm
Beginning Cello/Bass: 4:00pm - 5:00pm only
Intermediate Strings 5:10pm - 6:10pm only
Banning Lewis Ranch Academy (BL)
Location: 7094 Cottonwood Tree Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80927
Contact: Hilda Bernard, 719-649-3843, bernardh1204@gmail.com
Class Days: Mon./Wed. after school classes
Beginning Violin/Viola: 3:45pm - 4:45pm OR 4:55 - 5:55pm
Beginning Cello/Bass: 3:45pm - 4:45pm only
Intermediate Strings: 4:55pm - 5:55pm only
Rocky Mountain Classical Academy (RMCA)
Location: 4620 Antelope Ridge Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80922
Contact: Hilda Bernard, 719-649-3843, bernardh1204@gmail.com
Class Days: Tues./Thurs. after school classes
Beginning Violin/Viola: 3:30pm - 4:30pm OR 4:40pm - 5:40pm
- Beginning Cello/Bass: 3:30pm - 4:30pm only
- Intermediate Strings: 4:40pm - 5:40pm only
The Vanguard School (VAN)
Location: Calvary Baptist Church, 1712 S Corona Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Contact: Nancy Marble, 303-908-7647, cellomarble@gmail.com
Class Days: Tues./Thurs. after school classes
Beginning Violin/Viola: 3:45pm - 4:45pm OR 4:55pm - 5:55pm
Beginning Cello/Bass: 3:45pm - 4:45pm only
Intermediate Strings: 4:55pm - 5:55pm only