Make a Donation
Thank you for supporting the CSYSA!
Looking to Become a CSYSA Donor?
Click here to make a donation to CSYSA.
Your donation makes it possible for Colorado Springs Youth Symphony Association to do more great work for our community. The CSYSA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, so your donation is fully tax deductible.
The CSYSA has grown to 10 auditioned performing ensembles and 4 beginning string ensembles, totaling approximately 500 musicians. The Association touches over 40,000 audience members per season through some 60 performances.
The Association not only stresses musical growth and excellence, but personal development and citizenship. Musicians gain confidence through lessons and experience in teamwork, responsibility, and leadership. Furthermore, research has shown that youth engaged in music are more successful academically and more productive members of the community.

Our scholarship assistance program, funded through donations like your own, enables any student accepted through auditions to participate regardless of financial considerations. Many musicians come from families of limited means including those in the military, civil servants, nonprofit workers, and single parents. Thanks to our supporters, no musician is denied participation due to financial circumstances.
We greatly appreciate your interest in supporting our organization to contribute to the growth of the young musicians in our community!
Note: No tuition payments may be made through this link. All payments submitted here are considered donations.